SOV-DAS Projects

SOV installed at Blue Mountain Geothermal field, Blue Mountain, Nevada

Dual motor SOV installed at CO2CRC Otway Project Site, Victoria, Australia

SOV sweep as recorded by the pilot 3C geophone

SOV-DAS processing -  image from Isaenkov, R. et al., International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,

Installing an SOV foundation at Blue Mountain Geothermal field, Blue Mountain, Nevada

CO2CRC Otway Project Site plume imaging: Pevzner et al. 2021,

Yavuz et al.  2021, Geophysical Prospecting

Monitoring Hydraulic Fracturing - Austin Chalk/Eagle Ford Field Laboratory (DOE Award No. DE-FE0031579) 

Correa, J. et. al., 2024  Continuous seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing reveals complex subsurface dynamics: observations using distributed acoustic sensing and surface orbital vibrators Geophysics 89 (6)

Processing Flow:

(a) deconvolution and stacking of 10 sweeps

(b) band-pass filter and 2-D median filter

(c) random noise attenuation

(d) down-going wavefield extraction revealing coherent P-wave scattered energy

ref: Correa et al., Geophysics 89 (6) 2024

Comparison of SOV/DAS scattered amplitudes with low frequency DAS

ref: Correa et al., Geophysics 89 (6) 2024