Permanent Reservoir Monitoring

Surface Orbital Vibrators

Continuous seismic monitoring – SOVs are available 24/7 for permanent reservoir monitoring, offering unmatched economy for multi-source permanent installations. Life-of-field fixed source-receiver arrays are used to detect subtle changes in reservoir properties unobtainable through conventional seismic approaches. Distributed SOVs provide new opportunities for VSP and reflection monitoring of time-lapse processes.

Powerful swept frequency surface orbital vibrators (SOV) for active excitation of your receiver network. These sources are ideal for continuous monitoring using permanent sensor arrays for life-of-field applications. SOVs complement fiber-optic DAS arrays, taking advantage of their wide spatial aperture and provide the ability to stack high energy sweeps to overcome sensitivity limitations.

  • A range of models match user requirements with force from 1,365 kgf up to 23,000 kgf.

  • Programmable sweep can be used to tune source power spectra for optimal data collection.

  • Source function monitored locally using a 24-bit 3-channel seismic recorder.

  • Class II Div. 2 Group F, T4, NEMA 4 motor and NEMA 3R vented controller enclosure.

SOV Publications and Presentations (link in Bold):

SOV PRODUCT Information

Surface Orbital Vibrator Rev3.pdf
SOV 20100.mp4


Force: 89.5 kN (9117 kgf)

Max Frequency: 80 Hz

Horizontal shear polarization control